Photography Courses Newcastle

Newcastle Photography Courses

Meet the team

Meet the team!

Since launching my photography business in Newcastle in 2011 my studio has twisted and turned to adjust to external influences, customer trends and now more recently my own personal needs. So as a woman in my early 50’s working solo, a tricky cocktail of an autoimmune disease, neurodiversity struggles and perimenopausal symptoms have made me swallow my pride and ask for help!

This year I began thinking about the support that I needed by applying for government help through the Access to Work scheme and with support help from the This is Me agency after an ADHD diagnosis. The process was really analytical and I realised I needed organisational and physical support so that I could focus on the Photographer skills that I’m great at and love. So out with the tedious admin struggles and aching joints from heavy kit and in with the shiny new team!

Once I was in a position where my Newcastle team & I were settled into the new rhythm of Sarah Deane Photographic, the portrait photographer in me started saying it’s time for a meet the team shoot of my own! Not only do I specialise in portrait photography, I absolutely love taking headshots so it was such a full circle moment to do this with a team of my own. 

What may surprise you about me, is I hate having my photo taken and funnily enough so does the rest of my team! Even so we all went into the shoot excited and confident we would all walk away with some brilliant shots. On the day of the shoot we all met at my studio in the heart of Newcastle city centre and got busy shooting on the self timer and tripod. We also decided with the weather being glorious, which is a rarity in the North East, to take some photos outside Clavering House in the building’s car park of all places! 

The shoot felt really celebratory, it was a positive symbol of change and how far I’ve come as a Photographer. It was also one big laugh and I can confidently say despite being a tad reluctant we had a great time, even Bluebell my frenchie squeezed in for a picture!

Here’s my team, from left to right, Dan, Li, Lily and me.

Meet Li!

Li has been a receptionist at Clavering House for over 8 years but recently also became my Virtual Assistant outside of working hours. She works remotely, handles all my admin, keeps my studio diary running smoothly and has the fun part of supplying my image galleries to all my clients! Li is always smiling, supportive and has been amazing telling me to go home when I work too hard! She always goes above and beyond and I’m so grateful for all her help. 

Meet Lily!

Lily is my newest recruit as Digital Marketing Manager, she is full of fresh ideas, brings bags of creativity and has incredible knowledge of how to be visible and current. I first met Lily and her siblings in 2004 when I photographed them at Venture Portraits then again as teens at my studio. Lily gets it bang on with every piece of work she does for me, calming my busy mind and helping me focus on the content that matters. It’s an absolute joy to work with Lily nearly 20 years later as a vital member of my team, she is a breath of fresh air!

Meet Dan!

Dan is my Onsite Studio Assistant and worth his weight in gold, he first got in touch a year ago having newly graduated in Photography at Leeds Uni. He saves the day by being my ‘gofer’ and tech assistant, setting up my portrait studio on client premises, or hotel lobbies as we did the other day! He’s quick thinking, reliable and sorts the techy side whilst my brain works on the creative. He’s an all round great chap and we make a dream headshot duo.

As you can probably see from their portraits my team are a truly lovely bunch, all so keen to help and make my clients’ experience with me as smooth, successful and as happy as possible from behind the scenes. Deciding to expand my team was not an easy decision, but now all I can say is I wish I did it sooner! And if you are reading this, relating to how I felt earlier this year, I hope this is the push you needed to consider updating your work dynamic to something more beneficial to who you are today, not who you were when you started your business. 

Or if you are simply just admiring the lovely images of my team, do get in touch with any questions about team portraiture photography and how I can capture fun and relaxed portraits either at my studio, your office or out on site with my portable studio.

More headshot portrait work can be seen here shot out on location

Or studio portraits shot at my Newcastle studio & set up on client premises

If you are reading this article as a small business working solo, I also have booking page for individual portraits at my studio here

I hope to hear from you soon! 


Why Businesses Need Corporate Headshot Portraits

Why Businesses Need Corporate Headshot Portraits

In today’s digital age, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a strong online presence. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in corporate portraits. My Newcastle Photography Studio offers exactly this!

Headshot portraits are professional photographs of your employees that can be used on your website, in marketing materials, and on social media. They can help you to:

  • Make a positive first impression
  • Build trust and credibility
  • Show the human side of your business
  • Attract new customers and clients

If you’re looking to rebrand or refresh your website, maybe adding a ‘meet the team’ page then professional portraits are a must-have. 

Photographer in Newcastle takes portraits for business websites and social media

Make a positive first impression

When potential customers or clients visit your website, they’re going to make a snap judgment about your business within seconds. If your website is outdated or poorly designed, they’re likely to move on to the next one. But if your website is professional and well-designed, with high-quality staff portraits, they’re more likely to stick around and learn more about your business. 


Photographer in Newcastle takes portraits for business websites and social media

Build trust and credibility

Professional portraits can also help you to build trust and credibility with your customers and clients. When people see professional photographs of your employees, it shows that you’re a legitimate business that takes pride in its work. This can be especially important for businesses that are new or that operate in a competitive industry.

Newcastle Photography studio takes portraits for business websites and social media

Show the human side of your business

In addition to making a positive first impression and building trust, corporate portraits can also help you to show the human side of your business. When potential customers or clients see photographs of your employees, they get a glimpse into the culture of your company and the people who work there. This can help to make your business more relatable and approachable, which can lead to more sales and conversions.

Photographer in Newcastle takes headshot portraits for business websites and social media

Attract new customers and clients

Finally, corporate portraits can also help you to attract new customers and clients. When you have high-quality photographs of your employees, you can use them in your marketing materials, on social media, and in other promotional efforts. This will help to put your business in front of a larger audience and attract more attention.

If you’re looking for a way refresh your marketing materials with your staff, please drop me a line on my contact page to discuss ideas and a quote for your team here or if you are an individual I have a booking page here 

Newcastle Photography studio takes portraits for business websites and social media